Creepy Valley: Planning & Environment Catastrophe

What Is The Real Truth Behind This Development?

The Planning & Environment Dept Report (click here to view) , contained inaccuracies and blatant untruths which supported the applicant's proposal. These inaccuracies and untruths have been highlighted and commented upon.

The regulations in The Island Plan which were designed to protect the Countryside from unsightly inappropriate development have been completely ignored.

The Consultation Process contained in the Proposal document from the developers contained "inaccuracies" that were never questioned or corroborated with the officials concerned. Specific mention was made of two Environment Dept officers (click here to view extract) who were purported to have given the green light for the go ahead of siting the Adventure Centre at Les Ormes. That green light was, in fact, never given.

At the very least it appears the Minister for Planning & Environment may have been deceived and misled by this information and gave provisional approval in principle as a result.

However this innocuous Consultation Process document may in fact also hold the key that could help understand how this Application was fast tracked at Ministerial level:

Minister for EDC/Jersey Tourism Senator Philip Ozouf is very positive about the development.

Minister for Recreation Sport & Culture Senator Mike Vibert is very positive about the development.

Minister for Planning & Environment Senator Freddie Cohen is provided with old pictures and false information by the Developers. He is also provided with inaccurate and untrue information by his Planning Officer.

The Developers are in communication with those who are responding most positively to their project namely Senator Philip Ozouf and Senator Mike Vibert. Because the Developer wants to get this project up and running before Summer together these three bring pressure to bear on Senator Freddie Cohen to make a very hasty decision. Armed with false information, which he believes to be true, and wanting to avoid lengthy delays Senator Cohen bypasses the Planning Panel and approves the application.

Of course a worst case scenario is that all along there may have been secret collusion at Ministerial level with the Developers. And if that was the case just who was the puppetmaster pulling the strings and who was the puppet?

One question that definitely needs an answer: How could a project of this scale and magnitude have been rushed through the Planning and Approval process at such a speed? It took just two months from the initial Application to Approval being granted by Planning & Environment Minister Senator Freddie Cohen.

Without doubt there have been serious irregularities in the Planning Application and Approval process sufficient to draw the attention of the Scrutiny Panel, members of the Planning Panel, and the National Trust of Jersey.

Hopefully the tendency for secrecy and cover ups that seem to be endemic within government departments will not be allowed to prevail in this instance.

On 2nd March at Senator Freddie Cohen's request Deputy Sean Power was given the task of independently investigating this matter and providing a report.

Deputy Sean Power is a trustworthy man of honour and integrity and hopefully his investigations will be allowed to be thorough. 

The report that he produces should  be made available to the public without delay.

To put it another way If there is nothing to hide Senator Freddie Cohen has the power to ensure that this report comes into the public domain.

We have had enough of cover ups by politicians and officials misguidedly seeking to protect their own image or the image of their department…or seeking to bury independent reports that might prove to be embarrassing.

There needs to be complete transparency as to how this environmental travesty has been allowed to occur.

Hopefully when the full and frank truth comes out and justice prevails the Planning Permit for the Adventure Centre will be rescinded and this Countyside area will be restored to its previous natural unkempt beauty and habitat for wildlife.  The area could also become part of the adjoining SSI to stop any further development applications in the future and also to stop any further abuse of the land!!



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